know you've been out of university too long if...
- Your
potted plants stay alive.
- Having
sex in a single bed is absurd.
- You
keep more food than beer in the fridge.
- 6:00
AM is when you get up, not when you go to
- You
don't volunteer for clinical trials at £20 a
- You
know all of the people sleeping in your
- Informative
TV does not include Richard and Judy.
- The
bank manager doesn't write threatening letters any
- You
carry an umbrella.
- Seven
day benders are no longer realistic.
- You
don't go to Tesco's with all your friends.
- You
have standing orders and direct debits.
- The
heating works in your house.
- Your
friends marry and divorce instead of get together and
- You
pay the government thousands of pounds every
- You
go from 130 days of holidays to 20.
- Jeans
and a jumper no longer qualify as 'dressed
- You
get out of bed in the morning even if it's
- Washing
up is not an annual ritual.
- You
don't know what time the kebab shop closes
- Your
car insurance goes down and your car payments go
- You
feed your dog Pal instead of McDonalds.
- You
don't get ideas for drinks from local tramps.
- You
don't put half finished curries in the fridge to eat
- You
don't spend half your day strategically planning pub
- You
no longer have a strange attraction to road signs when
- Sleeping
in the lounge is a no-no.
- You
can't persuade your flatmates to 'Drink till
- You
don't spend Wednesday afternoons in the pub.
- You
always know where you are when you wake up.
- You
no longer take naps from noon to 6 p.m.
- A
fire in the kitchen is not a laugh.
- Dinner
and a movie = The whole date instead of the beginning of
- You
go to the chemist for Panadol and antacids, not condoms
and pregnancy
test kits.
- A
£3.00 bottle of wine is no longer 'pretty good
- You
can remember the name of the person you wake up next
- You
actually eat breakfast foods at breakfast
- You
don't have mice living in your kitchen.
- Grocery
lists are longer than pot noodles & cans of
- You
don't go to Liquor Save to buy Vodka.
- You
have hoovered.
- Breaking
the law means doing 40 in a 30 zone.
- 'I
just can't drink the way I used to' replaces 'I'm never
going to
drink that much again'
- Over
90% of the time you spend in front of a computer is for
real work. (????!)
- You
don't get drunk at home, to save money, before going to a
- You
can remember what you did three weeks ago.