Online Dictionary Südhessisch - English


Southhesse is the region between Frankfurt/Main in the north and Mannheim in the south, from the Rhine to the east of the Mountains of Odenwald.

This wild region starts right behind the fence of the airport Frankfurt/Main. Any foreign passenger getting outside the secure Airport will be happy, if he is able to express his wishes and needs.

So if you are one of these foreigners, check this little dictionary:


Ei guude wie?

Hello, how are you?



What‘s going on?


Was hattan da de babba da?

What helds the father in his hand?


Aasch glaab s gehd lous!

Are you nuts?


Aa horschemol!

Listen to this!


Du ahle Babbsagg!

You suck!



Excuse me Sir, could you please be so kind to repeat your statement.

I couldn‘t hear you well.



about half a pint of a sour alcoholic apple wine


Mer waases net.

I don t know.


Morsche! - Aach Morsche!

Good morning to you! - Good morning to you, too!


Des is abber babbisch!

This is a little sticky!


Die hat doch en Dubbe!

She‘s nuts!


Mer laaft de brieh de stern enunnee.

Sweat is running down my face.


Heit brennt de planeeet widder.

It s really hot today.



Pay attention


Isch werd rammdoesisch

I m feeling kind of weird


Kenndisch graad verriggd werrn!

I m going mad


Ooch gee haahm!

Be off with you, you foolish person!


Isch mach weideh

Good bye.

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